
How I Survived Pregnancy Without Coffee Routine

The first thing a lot of women think when they find out they’re pregnant is, “oh no, how am I going to live without my coffee!?” Well let me tell you, I was one of those women. I had that thought when we were trying to conceive and dreading the moment I’d have to give it up. But, I was able to survive my pregnancy without coffee.

I am one of those crazy people who loves the taste of coffee. Sure, I need the caffeine too, but I genuinely enjoy the taste and the experience of a coffee shop or coffee date (especially that 3pm coffee break I made a habit of when I was in the corporate world going into an office). I could not fathom living without my coffee routine for 9-10 months! Here was my pre-pregnancy coffee routine:

Morning: 16oz mug of coffee, black

Late Morning: Maybe top off my mug with 12-16oz (some days I would brew a half carafe and enjoy it through the morning)

Afternoon: Another 12oz of coffee, black

Some days, if I was feeling a treat (and maybe just needed to get out of the house as a remote worker), I’d get a Grande Oat Milk Latte with Brown Sugar Syrup from Starbucks.

Ok, so what about caffeine, how much can you have while growing your little human? Do you have to cut it out completely? Help!

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Pregnancy Association, and my doctor all say research suggests that moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200 milligrams per day) is ok while pregnant. That’s the amount in one 12-ounce cup of coffee or 3 shots of espresso. You have to also remember that caffeine is found in tea, chocolate (my downfall), energy drinks, and soft drinks.

So the good news for me, I could still have my Grande Latte and even add an extra shot!

Now queue pregnancy and the first trimester 24/7 nausea. I physically could not stomach coffee, especially the way I liked it with no cream or sugar added. Luckily I had a best friend who had been through this and she explained that during her pregnancy she could only have the “fancy” coffees. AKA my expensive Starbucks order. The thought was that the cream/milk helped balance out the acidity of the coffee and the sensitive pregnant tummy could handle it. This was true for me, but no way was I ready to spend $6.83 every day.

I decided to do some research on low-acid coffee to see if that worked. My mom had been drinking one brand for years due to her reflux, so I tried it. And you know what, it worked! I was able to have my one 12oz cup of coffee with adding a little cream to it. The downside? It was $30.00 for a 12oz bag of beans or ground! No, thank you. That’s when I found Mommee Coffee.

The final tactic that got me through the entire pregnancy . . . half-caf coffee, specifically the Half-Caf Mommee Coffee. With a little less caffeine, I was able to either have a larger 16oz cup in the morning or have 2 smaller cups throughout the day. Don’t get me wrong, I still indulged in my “fancy” coffee every once in a while, but this every day routine worked for me and my pregnancy symptoms.

Last thought for you mama, is to make your own decisions. Some women believe avoiding caffeine all together is the safest thing for them and their baby. Other women adhere to the less than 200 milligrams per day. It’s all up to you and please always consult your healthcare provider. I did it, and I survived a 3-day labor/delivery saga without coffee.

This page contains affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking a link, I may earn some coffee & wine money, which I promise to drink while creating more helpful content like this.


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